/* Version: 2.0a Written-By: quasimodo, Web Developer Filename: warpto.js Last Updated: 01-Apr-2004 Description: Generates a cross website/domain ("Client Side Include") drop down box of websites that can be customised for individual websites via HTML or CSS */ var warplanguage = "ei"; var NS4; if (document.layers) { NS4 = true; } else { NS4 = false; } var expdate = new Date(); var proto = location.protocol; var dummyimage = new Image(); if (NS4) { colourDepth = screen.pixelDepth; } else { colourDepth = screen.colorDepth; } if (NS4) { browserHeight = screen.pixelDepth; } else { browserHeight = screen.colorDepth; } if (proto == "http:") { outputhtml = 'http://warp.prnewswire.co.uk/cgi/metrics?screen.width='+screen.width+'&screen.height='+screen.height+'&colourDepth='+colourDepth+'&browser='+escape(navigator.appName)+'&appver='+escape(navigator.appVersion)+'&os='+escape(navigator.platform)+'&site='+escape(location.protocol+'//'+location.hostname)+'&screenavheight='+screen.availHeight+'&screenavwidth='+screen.availWidth+'&language='+warplanguage; } function statsget() { if (proto == "http:") { dummyimage.src = outputhtml } } document.write(''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ '
'+ ''+ ''+ ''+ '
'+ '\n'); statsget(); function makeitso(URL) { if (URL != "") { logGotourl(URL); top.location = URL; } } function logGotourl(URL) { par_url = parent.location.href; par_url = (par_url == location.href) ? "no parent" : par_url; query_string = "http://warp.prnewswire.co.uk/cgi-bin/goto_url" + "?" + escape(location.href) + "&to=" + escape(URL); if (document.images) { reporter = new Image(); reporter.src = query_string; } return true; }